[29-Apr-2024 14:30:07] Information: Processing task ‘CopiaLunes’, file: c1643384-e9f9-475f-b145-a6265d8fb425.dit.
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:07] Information: Initializing VSS…
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:07] Information: Creating Snapshot set…
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:12] Information: Calculating image size…
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:12] Information: Opening volume \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy15
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: Opening volume \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy16
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: Estimated image size: 92715229399
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: Creating image of partition Reservado para el sistema (NTFS, 56.13 MB/100.0 MB, Disk 0, 1:)
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: Opening volume \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy15
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: NTFS partition: opening volume…
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: NTFS partition: reading structure…
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: NTFS partition: saving data…
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: NTFS partition: completed.
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: Creating partition image completed. Retcode=0.
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: Creating image of partition SISTEMA (NTFS, 86.23 GB/465.7 GB, Disk 0, C:)
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: Opening volume \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy16
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: NTFS partition: opening volume…
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:13] Information: NTFS partition: reading structure…
[29-Apr-2024 14:30:14] Information: NTFS partition: saving data…
[29-Apr-2024 14:42:47] Information: NTFS partition: completed.
[29-Apr-2024 14:42:47] Information: Creating partition image completed. Retcode=0.
[29-Apr-2024 14:42:47] Information: Saving disks first tracks…
[29-Apr-2024 14:42:47] Information: Opening disk ‘Hard Disk 0’ at sector 0
[29-Apr-2024 14:42:47] Information: Saving devices info…
[29-Apr-2024 14:42:47] Information: Closing image…
[29-Apr-2024 14:43:04] Information: Image successfully created. Elapsed time: 00:12:56.
[29-Apr-2024 14:43:04] Information: Deleting old backup E:\CDiaria\Lunes\Backup-2024-04-22-1430