[17-Jan-2024 09:13:18] : Processing task ‘CopiaMartes’, file: 7ae21abd-08eb-4a9f-9678-aaa555787734.dit.
[17-Jan-2024 09:13:19] : Initializing VSS…
[17-Jan-2024 09:13:19] : Creating Snapshot set…
[17-Jan-2024 09:13:20] : CreateSnapshotSet() failed(StartSnapshotSet() failed. HRESULT = 0x80042316 (VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS). Please restart VSS service or reboot the system.), trying to lock volume(s)…
[17-Jan-2024 09:13:20] : Failed to lock volume NO NAME (1:)
[17-Jan-2024 09:13:20] : StartSnapshotSet() failed. HRESULT = 0x80042316 (VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS). Please restart VSS service or reboot the system.
[17-Jan-2024 09:13:20] : Work thread has shut down.
[17-Jan-2024 09:13:23] : Server thread received shut down
[17-Jan-2024 09:13:23] : Server thread has shut down.
[17-Jan-2024 09:13:23] : Image creation failed. Elapsed time: 00:00:05.