[06-May-2024 08:10:22] Adding network resource \\\Contabilidad\Pc-Mila as user=admin
[06-May-2024 08:10:25] Network resource added successfully, location access OK
[06-May-2024 08:10:27] Processing task ’05CopiaViernes’, file: be79f270-4aa6-4913-a565-5ca7c56ead8b.dit.
[06-May-2024 08:10:27] [Hardware Disk Info]
[06-May-2024 08:10:27]
[06-May-2024 08:10:28] Hard Disk 0: WDC WD10EZEX-00WN4A0, S/N: WD-WCC6Y3UHUTSD
[06-May-2024 08:10:28] 931.5 GB [MBR, Signature: 5B7726C4] 1,953,525,168 sectors (512 bytes)
[06-May-2024 08:10:28] ————————————————————————————————————————————————–
[06-May-2024 08:10:28] [Partition ] [Act] [ First sector] [ Total sectors] [ Size] [File System] [Offset ]
[06-May-2024 08:10:28] [Reservado para el sistema (1:)] [ X ] [ 2,048] [ 1,024,000] [ 500.0 MB] [NTFS ] [0000000000100000 ]
[06-May-2024 08:10:28] [Sistema (C:) ] [ ] [ 1,026,048] [ 1,132,203,857] [ 539.9 GB] [NTFS ] [000000001F500000 ]
[06-May-2024 08:10:28] [Windows Recovery Environment ] [ ] [ 1,133,230,080] [ 1,091,584] [ 533.0 MB] [NTFS ] [0000008717700000 ]
[06-May-2024 08:10:29] [Datos (E:) ] [ ] [ 1,134,323,712] [ 819,195,904] [ 390.6 GB] [NTFS ] [0000008738D00000 ]
[06-May-2024 08:10:29]
[06-May-2024 08:10:29] Initializing VSS…
[06-May-2024 08:10:29] Creating Snapshot set…
[06-May-2024 08:10:30] CreateSnapshotSet() failed(StartSnapshotSet() failed. HRESULT = 0x80042316 (VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS). Please restart VSS service or reboot the system.), trying to lock volume(s)…
[06-May-2024 08:10:30] Failed to lock volume Reservado para el sistema (1:)
[06-May-2024 08:10:30] StartSnapshotSet() failed. HRESULT = 0x80042316 (VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS). Please restart VSS service or reboot the system.
[06-May-2024 08:10:30] Work thread has shut down.
[06-May-2024 08:10:32] Server thread received shut down
[06-May-2024 08:30:12] Server thread has shut down.
[06-May-2024 08:30:12] Image creation failed. Elapsed time: 00:19:44.

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