[20-Jan-2022 15:00:09] Information: Processing task ‘CopiaMiercoles’, file: f41cb553-9550-40a0-a5de-ba1ab242c885.dit.
[20-Jan-2022 15:00:09] Information: Initializing VSS…
[20-Jan-2022 15:00:09] Information: Creating Snapshot set…
[20-Jan-2022 15:00:09] Information: CreateSnapshotSet() failed(StartSnapshotSet() failed. HRESULT = 0x80042316 (VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS). Please restart VSS service or reboot the system.), trying to lock volume(s)…
[20-Jan-2022 15:00:09] Information: Failed to lock volume Reservado para el sistema (1:)
[20-Jan-2022 15:00:09] Error: StartSnapshotSet() failed. HRESULT = 0x80042316 (VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS). Please restart VSS service or reboot the system.
[20-Jan-2022 15:00:09] Error: Image creation failed. Elapsed time: 00:00:00.